“To be doing good deeds is man’s most glorious task”. [Sophocles ]
We are starting to approach what is today called Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) that is a manifestation of the aim of large, small and medium-sized enterprises to effectively manage the issues of social and ethical impact within their own structures and in the areas of activity.
“Corporate Social Responsibility is the continuing commitment to behave ethically and to contribute to economic development while improving the quality of life of employees and their families, of the local community and society at large” (World Business Council for Sustainable Development).
For the part relating to stakeholders within the company, employees and partners, we decided to adhere to the standard SA8000, though currently without certification, to ensure that within the company working conditions respect social responsibility, that there is a fair supply of resources and an independent control process for the protection of workers.
The standard consists of eight specific requirements related to the main human rights and a requirement relating to the management system of social responsibility in the company:
• The exclusion of child and forced labour.
• The recognition of work schedules that are not contrary to law.
• The payment of a decent wage to workers.
• The ensuring of freedom of trade union association.
• The ensuring of the right of workers to be protected by collective bargaining.
• The ensuring of safety in the workplace.
• The ensuring of the health of the workplace.
• The preventing of any discrimination based on sex, race, political, sexual and religious orientation.
In recent years, a new concept of social responsibility has developed, not only related to individual enterprise but to the community as a whole, with the aim of improving the quality of life of the community.
SIBO believes and is directly involved in the promotion of the Culture of Corporate Social Responsibility aimed at promoting the support of our community as part of our production activities.
The intention is to contribute to the growth of the community and to the social context in which we operate.
2011: support to the purchase of a vehicle that is specially equipped for the transportation of disadvantaged persons and for the elderly for the municipality of Calderara di Reno.
2013: donation to the civil protection of Caldera di Reno of a Manitou telescopic loader.
2014-16: maintenance of green areas in Calderara di Reno.
2016: payment of an advertising space to contribute to the purchase of a Fiat Doblò for ANT’s home assistance (ANT is an Italian organization that helps people with cancer thanks to free home assistance).
2016: participation to “Progetti del Cuore” to support the supply of free mobility services.
2017-2019: financial assistance to the community of Calderara di Reno.
2020: donation of a defibrillator to the sport association in Calderara di Reno.
2020: donation of 500 disposable masks, and successively of 500 washable masks, in order to support the sanitary emergency of CoVid-19.
2021: participation to “Progetti del Cuore“. Sibo took part to the realization of the project “Progetto di Trasporto Solidale del Territorio di Unione Terre d’Acqua”, to continue the delivery of social services throughout the territory.
2024: Donation of an articulated backhoe loader to the civil protection volunteers of Calderara di Reno, in collaboration with VF Venieri